To My Families Birthing During COVID-19

I have been closely following the impact that the coronavirus (COVID-19) has had on the maternity healthcare system and expectant families.

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, many hospitals have decided to limit visitors to one person and although technically doulas are not classified as visitors, we are a part of the healthcare team, the one person rule has not been lifted for doulas, unless they are the single person accompanying the birthing person.

Considering this, as well as the national and local advisement for physical distancing, prenatal sessions will be primarily held virtually. However, physical presence of a doula during labor is evidence-based and I am committed to being available for you, at that time. We will discuss the feasibility of this, based on your provider's/ hospital's policy and your personal needs and preferences regarding supporting you in active labor, at home.

~ Doula Sayida

See below resources for those pregnant, laboring, postpartum and breastfeeding during COVID-19.

Birth Justice COVID19 Bill of Rights Final.pdf Birth Justice COVID19 Bill of Rights Final.pdf
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Type : pdf


Informed Consent Form for Refusal to Separate Birthing Parent and Infant
Source: Evidence-Based Birth